Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Sea World

I want to give a humungous shout out to Sea World for so many wonderful memories my family and I made last week!  Our family had a fabulous time....from the 1-year-old to the 67-year- old! Here is our top 10 list of reasons you need to take your family to Sea World this month!

 1) The Shamu show was Ahhmazing! I had seen the show many years ago, but to be able to watch my kids watching the show was even better.  You know that excited, "I'm about to cry" feeling you get when you are so excited for your kids....yeah, I had that!

2) Christmas music was playing throughout the park the whole day. And not just "holiday" music, but "Christmas music", the kind that focuses on Christ, the real meaning of Christmas.  Kudos to Sea World for playing that kind of Christmas music during the holiday season.

    3) The Dolphin show was so much fun!  The trainers interact with the dolphins in the water and boy can those dolphins jump!  They also had Cirque de Solei type acrobats diving into the water and doing all kinds of flips.  Really cool!  

4) Sea World has snow! Over 6500 square feet of fresh snow everyday and my kids loved playing in it.  It was nice to go get a snowball when we got hot.
5) The touch pools.  Right when you walk in there are pools with all kind of fish for the kids to interact with.  One set of fish even gave me a manicure as they ate the dead skin off my fingers.

 6) The eat all day pass.  Ok, whoever came up with this was a genius!  You pay one time for a food pass and then you can eat as many times as you want during the day.  It really paid off for my two growing, always hungry boys! And I have to say that the food at Sea World was really good! It was worth going back for seconds, and thirds, and fourths :)

7) The rides! Manta and Journey to Atlantis were the big favorite for the big kids but they also had lots of rides for the little ones too.  

8) The Penguin Encounter is inside a building and as you walk in you get on a moving sidewalk and get to watch the penguins.  We were able to watch them being fed and even named a few of them.  I'm pretty sure they had a penguin mafia :)

9) The Beluga Whale.  Creepy but cool! Have you ever seen one of them up close and personal? Wow!

10) The gift shops.  At the end of each exhibit they had a gift shop dedicated to that one animal.  From whales to dolphins to turtles to sharks, you name it they had a souvenir to remember you visit.

We had a wonderful time and highly recommend a visit as soon as you can!
Visit www.seaworldparks.com

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