Thursday, October 16, 2014

  Its here again. That weird day that you don't really understand yet it comes every year.  The day you expect time to stand still and all to rejoice but instead it is just another day.  My birthday.  I am going to be 44 in 5 days and what in the world have I done in the past year, years, decades, 44 years? I want to be cool. 

 I want people to say, "Wow, she really has it together and knows what she's doing." But guess what, I don't, and it's not that I haven't tried.  I have sold Mary Kay, Creative Memory Scrapbooks, Upcycled Chic, Homemade Bags, I have tried losing weight with Isagenix, Body by Vi, Slimfast you name it, I have tried it and not succeeded (notice I didn't say failed....that was really hard).  I have tried to make something of myself online and in the business world and it just hasn't worked, so what does that mean?  I think it means I belong in face to face situations to succeed.  I don't need to be popular on the screen (whether it be facebook, instagram or Studio 5) because I am needed on the home front.  At least that is what I am running with. 

 So, as Kristen has challenged me, what exactly have I learned about myself from all my "non succeeded" ventures?  I have learned 1) crickets.........  haha, ok just kidding, I need to harness more brain power here.  Ok I have learned 1) I like people (unless I'm suffering from extreme depression and not taking any medication then people bug me) but really I think everyone has something to offer and they are going through their own stuff.  2) I love being creative.  President Uchdorfs talk on Creating (see ) resonates with me.  3) I like helping others and doing things that will make other people happy  4) Nothing else :)

I have also learned that I love my family because they stick with me.  I have a wonderful husband who does not complain about all the lost money used "finding" my place in the world.  And I love my totally honest daughter who just walked in and said "Mom, we need to find Crest 2d strips for us and a friend because then they will stay white for 2 days!" Then she says, "Your breath smells horrible!  You need to breathe on the ground!"  Maybe she will buy me some toothpaste and white strips for my birthday!

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